Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Final post

At the beginning of the course of my Aviation 422 Senior seminar course I had the plan to find an internship in the aviation industry and complete my graduate degree in the spring semester of 2013. After applying to a few jobs and not receiving an internship, my career path has come to a crossroad. I have made the decision to broaden my search for jobs outside of Michigan upon finishing my degree. I have taken into consideration in looking at places I wouldn’t mind settling down in for example Houston or Austin TX. My other option is the military.  The military has been an option I have considered prior to committing to the aviation program at Eastern Michigan University. After talking it over with family I agreed with them that it was best to complete a Bachelors before making the decision to join and if I still had an interest after college then it would be a great option. Throughout the class we have gone over many topics that related to specialized industries in aviation. The topics that drew my attention the most were those considering China. With China’s growing population and simultaneously their growing aviation industry I think finding a job that is related to doing business in China would be great. Not only do I think that there is something there to make money and provide a means to living but there is also opportunity to be apart of something. Being part of the establishment of Chinas growing aviation industry would provide a gateway into one of the largest markets in the world throughout the next twenty years. With that being said the topic I found most interesting during this course was our Topic on leveling the global playing field. During this topic the research I did during the class was the topic I did the most research for this topic while I was comparing data between imports and exports from the U.S. to China. I was also able to see how large of a scale the aviation industry was stimulating our own economy and generated an opinion on how well China would do if they were able to produce their products on their own.
            During the course we had many guest speakers come and speak to our class from several different areas of the Industry. Although it was hard to me to choose between my top two speakers the guest speakers I enjoyed listening to the most were the speakers from ATC at DTW. The speakers came into class and gave us a crash course on how a tower operates and their day-to-day routines and their career paths that brought them to where they are.
Upon finishing my degree at Eastern MI. I plan on continuing professional development by learning the facet of the industry on which I can find a job in, provided I find a job in the industry. Although my career plans for my future are not set n stone there are still some goals in life that I have for myself I would like to achieve while I am still young. I enjoyed the diversity of professionals and areas of the aviation industry senior seminar provided to the students this semester and hope that over the years that more professionals will and share their experiences in the industry with students of the program.

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