Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Professional organizations are common among many Industries. They can provide the opportunity to network and become active in the field of individuals with common practices. Being part of an organization allows people to share information that can benefit one another while in an industry. It is important for students and individuals just starting out in their field to join organizations because they can provide scholarships for students, mentors for those interning, insight on how the industry works and how to navigate it, and professional development courses (Anderson 2013).
            There are various aviation organizations out there with different goals and backgrounds such as commercial, educational, governmental, military, nonprofit, media, international, recreational, and social organizations. Since the spectrum is so broad it is important to join an organization that identifies with your career goals. Two organizations that I could see a potential benefit from joining within the near future would be the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) and the Aircraft owners and Pilot association (AOPA).
            The AAAE is the largest professional organization for airport executives around the world (AAAE 2013). Their goal is to grow their organization in order to better serve airport executives by providing ever improving products, services, and Washington representation. Examples of the AAAE recent initiatives in recent years are the creation of the Transportation security Clearinghouse, a program in which AAE manages the processing of airport/airline employee background checks and provides Training services, and on-site training programs to address the needs of the airport industry. Joining AAAE provides benefit to its members that include a subscription to Airport Magazine and Airport Report today. Members also receive access to an information database that lists names, titles, phone/fax numbers and E-mail address of AAAE members for networking. Joining the AAAE would be beneficial to me because not only would I receive all the benefits of becoming a member it provides a easy way for a soon to be newly graduate to put their foot in the door and get out there.
            Another organization, which would be beneficial to me, would be the Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association (AOPA). Although I do not plan on being a professional pilot in my near future I do plan on flying with friends and finishing up my private and instrument ratings. AOPA’s Mission is to preserve the freedom to fly by advocating on behalf of it’s members, educating pilots non pilots and policymakers alike, among keeping general aviation accessible to all (AOPA 2013). AOPA provides its members a 12-month magazine subscription access to AOPA’s pilot information center access to AOPA Air safety Institute courses and seminars and discounts to member insurance and protection plans. AOPA is an important organization to me because it represents and advocates for safe practices in General Aviation. It also speaks up on behalf the general aviation community when congress tries to restrict GA. Recently the president proposed a budget in which a $100 per flight user fee would be put in place generating 7.4 billion in revenue a fee that AOPA voiced their opinion on claiming it would be disastrous to general aviation. Since then 223 bipartisan members of the House of Representatives have signed a letter asking the president to abandoned the idea (Aopa communications Staff, 2013). I believe being part of AOPA would allow me to network and stay in touch with the General Aviation side as I continue on my career path.
            Although I am currently not a member of any aviation organizations I have opened my eyes to see the benefits in which they provide in the industry.  The professional organizations I have mentioned both represent two different facets of the Aviation Industry but act very similar in the way in which they operate and advocate on the behalf of their members to Washington. I can say with confidence that I will be joining the AAAE within the next four months after researching this topic.



AAAE (n.d.) (2013). AAAE: A Rich History, A bright Future. Retrieved April 09 2013 from :

AAAE (n.d.) (2013).  Membership Information Benefits. Retrieved April 09 2013 from:

Anderson L. (2013) 5 reasons to join a professional Organization. Retrieved April 9 2013 from:

AOPA Communications Staff (n.d.) (2013) Association pledges to work  with congress, GA Community to oppose fees. Retrieved April 09, 2013 from: http://ww

1 comment:

  1. Joining AOPA would be a great move once you start flying again. I am not currently a member (although I really should be) but plan to join here in the new future especially since I will be flying much more once I earn my CFI ticket.
